Happy New Year from NHTM!

This is good time to review our work for the past few months and make some plans. During Fall 2022 NHTM returned to in-person board meetings. Unfortunately, our meeting room did not look overcrowded. A few people resigned, stressed by the demands of teaching jobs. More and more schools face difficulties hiring teachers. This means …

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Teachers and Parents Together! (President’s Message)

Teachers and Parents Together! Hello and welcome! Here I am – a new NHTM President writing my first Presidential address. I will make it short – there is no need to preach to the choir – if you read this you ARE interested in mathematics education. I would like to ask you to think about …

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President’s Message: NHTM is not my organization, but ours! Yes, that means you!

Sixteen months into my term as NHTM President, I continue to be amazed at the trust, hope, and confidence that you have in me. I still have not grown accustomed to having board members await my approval as if it really were mine to give. The organization belongs to every individual in New Hampshire who …

Continue reading President’s Message: NHTM is not my organization, but ours! Yes, that means you!

Removing the Barriers to Participation: Free Virtual Conference and Free NHTM Membership

By Teresa Magnus The NHTM Board recognizes that this has been a challenging year for all teachers. We are happy to announce that this year’s Virtual Spring Conference is FREE! We are excited to welcome Trena Wilkerson, President of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), to offer the keynote address: Teaching and Learning …

Continue reading Removing the Barriers to Participation: Free Virtual Conference and Free NHTM Membership